
Foothills High School Frequently Asked Questions

Do I attend daily?

In independent study you do not attend regular classes. You meet with your instructor on an appointment basis. Generally, you meet with the teacher for at least one hour each week. The teacher will assign you work which to be completed on your own time. The completed work is evaluated by the teacher at the next meeting and additional work is then assigned.

How will I know what I must do each week?

You will be given a weekly assignment sheet that will list everything you must do to complete your assigned days of homework. His form will also indicate the date and time of our next appointment.

Will I be able to do the work on my own?

You will be given workbooks, texts and material with instructions on how to complete the assignments. When you come in to meet with the teacher, he/she can help you with anything that you do not understand. If you become confused at home, call the teacher or schedule a time when you can come in for help. Very often, it only takes a short visit or phone call with the teacher to get you back on the right track.

What about grades and credits?

All courses needed to graduate from the San Marcos Unified School District are offered at Foothills High School. Students earn credits by completing the assigned work and demonstrating subject matter competency. Work below "D" level will be reassigned and master learning techniques incorporated for successful course completion. Students can work at their own pace above the minimum requirements and are encouraged to do so. Upon completion of a course, the student will be issued a "credit completion slip" and the instructor will assign a new class.

Can I accelerate my pace of coursework?

We are an open entry/open exit program. You will receive high school credit for all work completed and can graduate as soon as you have completed the requirements.

Attendance at Foothills High School

Attendance apportionment at Foothills is different from other high schools in the district. At San Marcos High School, Mission Hills High School, and Twin Oaks High School, attendance is counted by physical presence or "seat time". State law does not allow Foothills to use physical presence for attendance. The only item that counts for independent study attendance credit is work or work products that were completed and submitted by the due date established on the weekly assignment sheets. The student's supervising teacher determines the time value of the completed assignments so that Average Daily Attendance (ADA) can be earned. No credit for attendance may be reported for ADA until the work is submitted and assessed by the supervising teacher.

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