Wondering how much a job pays? Find information on salaries for different occupations here. http://myworkforceconnection.org/students/
Search careers, take self-exploration assessments, build a resume, a cover letter, find jobs, and more! http://www.careeronestop.org
Find a job in our area https://c2csd.org/youth/
Curious which community colleges teach specific career programs in our local area? Check out My Workforce Connection. Select a sector, like "Advanced Manufacturing" and without choosing a specific college, click search. This will show you all the different community colleges that teach this program in southern California. This is a great tool! http://myworkforceconnection.org/cc-programs/
Want to know what your options are when you major in.... Click here to find out! http://uncw.edu/career/WhatCanIDoWithaMajorIn.html
Explore your interests by taking assessments, learn about many different careers, find colleges that offer the program you want, and much more! https://secure.californiacolleges.edu/
Visit this site to take a virtual tour of a college you choose. It's a great way to see a campus without being there! http://www.youvisit.com/education
Check out the Occupational Outlook Handbook. This site is rich in career information, work environment, employment projections and much more! http://www.bls.gov/ooh/
Public service careers are ones that give you an opportunity to improve your community by fighting and preventing crime, responding to emergencies and helping during disasters. Is this something that interests you? Check out the link below. http://www.firescience.org/public-service-careers/
What do you want to do for a living? This site allows you to research careers and industries. You can also take an Interest Profiler to find out what careers may be a good match for you. http://www.mynextmove.org